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Thank you for your tax deductible contribution. FAYMAS is a 501(C)(3) Organization registered in Washington State. Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. Keep a copy for your tax records. Even a small donation can make a big difference in the lives of pets at the shelter. The mission of FAYMAS can only be accomplished with your help.

For calendar orders, please click on the "Calendars" tab and follow the instructions provided.
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Donating to FAYMAS directly isn't the only way to can help either! FAYMAS has teamed up with Fred Meyer to raise money for the Metro Animal Shelter. You can donate to FAYMAS while you shop!

You can now go into your Fred Meyers Rewards program, and choose Friends at Your Metro Animal Shelter as your charity of choice. After you've done so, Fred Meyer will donate to FAYMAS a percentage of the amount of money you spend. Simply enter your phone number or the number you're given at time of checkout. This will not take away from your other rewards (fuel points, etc.). Follow the links below to set up Friends at Your Metro Animal Shelter as your charity today!

Fred Meyers Community Rewards -- Donations are directly linked to your Fred Meyers Rewards program. The set up is pretty simple! Log in to your account (you'll need your Fred Meyer Rewards card number) and head to your account information. At the bottom of the page, you can link your card with Friends at Your Metro Animal Shelter and begin donating the next time you use your Rewards card!

"Friends At Your Metro Animal Shelter" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 163, Puyallup, WA 98371. 


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